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What is a Primary Survey

The Primary Survey is the initial patient assessment, intended to rapidly and systematically identify and treat any immediately life-threatening problems. It follows the ABC format familiar from other courses, but extends this into more detail. Assessment and treatment proceed simultaneously – as a problem is identified,appropriate action should be taken before moving on ...

What is a Mental Health

Concepts of mental health include subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, intergenerational dependence and recognition of the ability to realize one’s intellectual and emotional potential. It has also been defined as a state of well-being whereby individuals recognize their abilities, are able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and fruitfully, ...
Showing posts with label Psychosis Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psychosis Articles. Show all posts

01 February 2010

how to know hyperactivity disorder

Whether your child has difficulty in fully focused on something, hyperactivity (activity cannot be controlled like running, do not sit still, shouting, lots of talking), or impulsive behavior (not to delay responses). Beware! Your child may have ADHD (Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) are often also called hyperactivity disorder.
The third additions to the above symptoms, to be given a diagnosis of hyperactivity are still a few other conditions. Disruption the already settled at least 6 months, and occurred before the 7-year-old. These symptoms appear in at least 2 situations, such as at home and at school.
Problems commonly experienced by children hyperactive:

  • In school

Found that, many hyperactive children have difficulty reading, writing, language, and mathematics. Especially for writing, hyperactive children have fine motor skills that are generally not as good as regular kid. Children are not able to follow the lessons delivered by teachers well. Easily disturbed concentration makes the child cannot absorb the lesson material as a whole.

  • At home

Compared with other children, hyperactive children are more susceptible to anxiety and despair. In addition, he easily had psychosomatic disorders (health problems caused by psychological factors) such as headaches and abdominal pain. This is related to the low tolerance for frustration, so when experiencing disappointment, he was easy emotionally. In addition hyperactive children tend to be stubborn and easily angered when his wish was not immediately fulfilled. Constraint makes children less able to adjust to the environment. The children are considered naughty and often experience rejection from family and friends. Because often creates resentment, parents often treat children as less warm. Parents control the child and many, management oversight, much criticized, and even punishment. Children refuse and rebel reaction. The result is a tension between parents and children. The children and parents become stressed, and the situation becomes less comfortable at home. As a result children become more easily frustrated. Failure socialize everywhere foster a negative self concept. The children will feel that they are bad, always failing, inadequate, and rejected.

  • Problems talking

Hyperactive child usually likes to talk. He's a lot of talk, but actually less efficient in communicating. Concentration disturbance makes him difficult to perform mutual communication. Hyperactive child tends to busy with them and less able to respond to the other person exactly.

  • Physical problems

In general, hyperactive children have high levels of physical health is not as good as other kids. Some disorders such as asthma, allergies, and throat infections are common. During sleep are also not as quiet as other children. Many hyperactive children are difficult to sleep and frequent waking at night. In addition, the high level of physical activity children are also at high risk for accidents such as falls sprains, and so on.

Here are the factors that cause hyperactivity in children:

  • Neurologic factors

The incidence of higher hyperactivity found in children born with prenatal problems such as length of labor, fetal distress, delivery by forceps extraction, or toxemia gravidarum eklampsia compared to normal pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, factors such as babies born with low weight, mothers who are too young, mothers who smoked and drank alcohol also raises the incidence hyperactive
The occurrence of slow brain development. Etiologic factor in neurologic hitherto prevalent for many is the dysfunction of one neurotransmitter in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine is an active substance that is useful to maintain the concentration
Some studies indicate the occurrence of disturbances of blood perfusion in certain areas in hyperactive children, namely in the striatum, the orbital-prefrontal regions, the orbital-limbic regions of the brain, especially the right hand side.

  • Toxic factor

Some food substances such as salicylates and preservatives have the potential to form a hyperactive behavior in children. In addition, levels of lead (lead) in blood serum increased children, mothers who smoke and consume alcohol, exposed to X-rays during pregnancy can also give birth candidate hyperactive children.

  • Genetic factors

Obtained a high correlation of hyperactivity that occurs in families with hyperactive children. Approximately 25-35% of the parents and relatives of childhood hyperactivity in children will decrease. This is also seen in twins.

  • Psychosocial and environmental factors

in hyperactive children are often found in relationships that are considered wrong between parents with children.

Here are some ways that can be done by parents to educate and guide their children are classified as hyperactive

Parents need to increase knowledge about the hyperactivity disorder:
  • Know your child's strengths and talents
  • Helping children in social
  • Using the techniques of behavior management, such as using positive reinforcement (such as giving praise when children eat in order), provide consistent discipline, and always monitor children's behavior
  • Provide adequate space for children activities to channel the excess energy
  • Accepting the limitations children
  • Generating a child's confidence
  • And working together with teachers in schools so that teachers understand the actual condition of the child
To be a concern for parents that know the behavior of children from an early age is the process of loving them, you are a parent who is responsible for their children.
READ MORE - how to know hyperactivity disorder

23 December 2009

Low Self-Esteem

Low self-esteem is a mental disorder that may occur to someone, afraid to meet with other people, feeling useless. Early symptoms alone are visible. Following simple notion of low self-esteem
Low self-esteem is a personal assessment of the results achieved by analyzing the extent to fulfill the ideal behavior of self (Stuart and Sundeen, 1998: 227). According to Townsend (1998:189) low self-esteem is a self-evaluation of sense of self or negative self either directly or indirectly. The same opinion by Carpenito, LJ (1998:352) that 'low self-esteem' is a condition in which individuals experience negative self-evaluation of self or self. A conclusion, 'low self-esteem' is a negative sense of self, loss of confidence and failed to achieve the goals expressed directly or indirectly, decreased self-esteem can be situational or chronic or chronic.
Signs and symptoms
According to Carpenito, LJ (1998: 352); Keliat, BA (1994:20); behavior associated with low self-esteem include:
Subjective Data:
  • Criticize yourself or others
  • The feeling itself is very important that exaggerated
  • Feelings of inadequacy
  • Guilt
  • Negative attitude to yourself
  • Pessimistic attitude to life
  • Physical pains
  • A polarized view of life
  • Rejecting self -
  • Reduction self / self mocking
  • Feelings of anxiety and fear
  • Rationalize the rejection / away from the positive feedback
  • Revealing personal failure
  • Inability to set goals
Objective data:
  • Productivity decreases
  • Self-destructive behavior on their own
  • Destructive behavior on others
  • Substance abuse
  • Withdraw from social relationships
  • Facial expressions of shame and guilt
  • Showed signs of depression (difficulty sleeping and eating difficult)
  • Seems irritable / easily angered
Low self-esteem is often caused because of the individual coping ineffective due to lack of positive feedback, lack of support systems, the decline of ego development, the repetition of negative feedback, dysfunctional family system and immobilized in the early developmental stages (Townsend, MC, 1998: 366). According to Carpenito, LJ (1998: 82) coping ineffective individual is a state where an individual experiencing or at risk of an inability to handle internal or environmental stressor with due adequate resources (physical, psychological, behavioral or cognitive). Meanwhile, according to Townsend, MC (1998: 312) coping individual is not effective adaptive behavior disorder and a problem-solving ability in fulfilling the role of guidance and life.
Therapy generalist

Principle of action:

  • Identify the capabilities and the positive aspects that are still owned by the client.
  • Help clients assess the capabilities that can be used
  • Help clients choose / set the ability to be trained
  • Practice the ability of the selected client
  • Give proper credit to the success of clients
  • Help develop implementation schedule for the trainee's ability
  • Evaluate the patient's ability to schedule daily activities
  • Practice the ability of both
  • Motivation clients include both capabilities into the daily schedule
READ MORE - Low Self-Esteem

11 December 2009

Post-Traumatic Stress

post-traumatichave you ever experienced the fear when considering an event you've ever experienced? Or, you inadvertently involved situations that remind you of things that you fear? This is about someone who is experiencing stress disorder about the events that never happened.
Disorders post-traumatic stress (Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)) is characterized by the repetition of the traumatic memory of a moment that shook the soul. Experienced or seen traumatic event that threatens death or serious injury can effect a person for a long time. Very scared, helpless, or a frightening experience for traumatic events can haunt a person. Something that can cause post-traumatic stress includes the following:
• Related to the war
• Experienced or seen physical violence or sex
• Affected by disasters, both natural (e.g., hurricanes) or man-made (e.g., great car accidents).
Sometimes symptoms begin until many months or even years after the traumatic event occurred. If the disorder of post-traumatic had been happen for 3 months or more, it is considered chronic. Post-traumatic disorder affects at least 8% of people sometimes throughout their lives, including childhood. Many people experience traumatic events, such as war veterans and victims of rape or other violent activities, experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.
In disorders post-traumatic stress, nightmares are common. Sometimes life event as if it happened again (flashbacks). Great disruption often occurs when people are confronted with events or circumstances that remind them of the trauma of origin. For example, hue and cry at time of the traumatic moment occurred. People constantly avoiding things that remind of the trauma. They could also try to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations about the traumatic event and to avoid activities, circumstances, or people who can remind. Avoidance may also include loss of memory (amnesia) for certain aspects of the traumatic accident. People suffering from depression on emotional reactions and symptoms that appear to increase (such as trouble sleeping, be alert to the danger mark at risk, or be easily startled). Symptoms of depression are common, and people show little interest in previously enjoyable activities. Feelings of guilt are also common. For example, they may feel guilty that when they survive when others did not. Requires treatment psychotherapy (including contact therapy) and drug therapy. Because the great anxiety often associated with memories that shake the soul, supportive psychotherapy plays a very important task in the treatment. Openly therapist empathy and sympathy in identifying psychological pain. Therapist response reassuring people that they are real but they encourage them to face the memories (as a form of therapy contacts). They are also taught how to control, which helps modulate and integrate into the tortured memories of their personality. Antidepressants seem to provide some benefits. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, and monoamine oxidize inhibitors (MAOIs) really helped.
Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder cannot be lost but can reduce over time evens without treatment. However, some people become permanent disability with such disorders. Defects in question here is psychologically flawed
READ MORE - Post-Traumatic Stress

26 November 2009

Children can develop Bipolar Disorder

children with bipolar disorderBoth children and adolescents can develop bipolar disorder. It is more likely to affect the children of parents who have the illness. Unlike many adults with bipolar disorder, whose episodes tend to be more clearly defined, children and young adolescents with the illness often experience very fast mood swings between depression and mania many times within a day.6 Children with mania are more likely to be irritable and prone to destructive tantrums than to be overly happy and elated. Mixed symptoms also are common in youths with bipolar disorder. Older adolescents who develop the illness may have more classic, adult-type episodes and
symptoms. Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents can be hard to tell apart from other problems that may occur in these age groups. For example, while irritability and aggressiveness can indicate bipolar disorder, they also can be symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, or other types of mental disorders more common among adults such as major depression or schizophrenia. Drug abuse also may lead to such symptoms. For any illness, however, effective treatment depends on appropriate diagnosis. Children or adolescents with emotional and behavioral symptoms should be carefully evaluated by a mental health professional. Any child or adolescent who has suicidal feelings, talks about suicide, or attempts suicide should be taken seriously and should receive immediate help from a mental health specialist.
READ MORE - Children can develop Bipolar Disorder

17 November 2009

Bipolar disorder causes

bipolar disorder causesBipolar disorder causes dramatic mood swings&from overly ‘high’ and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, and then back again, often with periods of normal mood in between. Severe changes in energy and behavior go along with these changes in mood. The periods o highs and lows are called episodes of mania and depression.
Signs and symptoms of mania (or a manic episode) include:
  • Increased energy, activity, and restlessness
  • Excessively ‘high’, overly good, euphoric mood
  • Extreme irritability
  • Racing thoughts and talking very fast, jumping from one idea to another
  • Distractibility, can t concentrate well
  • Little sleep needed
  • Unrealistic beliefs in one s abilities and powers
  • Poor judgment
  • Spending sprees
  • A lasting period of behavior that is different from usual
  • Increased sexual drive
  • Abuse of drugs, particularly cocaine, alcohol, and sleeping medications
  • Provocative, intrusive, or aggressive behavior
  • Denial that anything is wrong
A manic episode is diagnosed if elevated mood occurs with 3 or more of the other symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for 1 week or longer. If the mood is irritable, 4 additional symptoms must be present.
Signs and symptoms of depression (or a depressive episode) include:
  • Lasting sad, anxious, or empty mood
  • Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism
  • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, including sex
  • Decreased energy, a feeling of fatigue or of being ‘slowed down’
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
  • Restlessness or irritability
  • Sleeping too much, or can t sleep
  • Change in appetite and/or unintended weight loss or gain
  • Chronic pain or other persistent bodily symptoms that are not caused by physical illness or injury
  • Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts
A depressive episode is diagnosed if 5 or more of these symptoms last most of the day, nearly every day, for a period of 2 weeks or longer.

A mild to moderate level of mania is called hypomania. Hypomania may feel good to the person who experiences it and may even be associated with good functioning and enhanced productivity. Thus even when family and friends learn to recognize the mood swings as possible bipolar disorder, the person may deny that anything is wrong. Without proper treatment, however, hypomania can become severe mania in some people or can switch into depression. Sometimes, severe episodes of mania or depression include symptoms of psychosis (or psychotic symptoms). Common psychotic symptoms are hallucinations (hearing, seeing, or otherwise sensing the presence of things not actually there) and delusions (false, strongly held beliefs not influenced by logical reasoning or explained by a person s usual cultural concepts). Psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder tend to reflect the extreme mood state at the time. For example, delusions of grandiosity, such as believing one is the President or has special powers or wealth, may occur during mania; delusions of guilt or worthlessness, such as believing that one is ruined and penniless or has committed some terrible crime, may appear during depression.
People with bipolar disorder who have these symptoms are sometimes incorrectly diagnosed as having schizophrenia, another severe mental illness. It may be helpful to think of the various mood states in bipolar disorder as a spectrum or continuous range. At one end is severe depression, above which is moderate depression and then mild low mood, which many people call ‘the blues’ when it is short lived but is termed ‘dysthymia’ when it is chronic. Then there is normal or balanced mood, above which comes hypomania (mild to moderate mania), and then severe mania. In some people, however, symptoms of mania and depression may occur together in what is called a mixed bipolar state. Symptoms of a mixed state often include agitation, trouble sleeping, significant change in appetite, psychosis, and suicidal thinking. A person may have a very sad, hopeless mood while at the same time feeling extremely energized.
Bipolar disorder may appear to be a problem other than mental illness & for instance, alcohol or drug abuse, poor school or work performance, or strained interpersonal relationships. Such problems in fact may be signs of an underlying mood disorder.

Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D., An Unquiet Mind, 1995, p. 6.
READ MORE - Bipolar disorder causes

16 November 2009

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder'mental illnes'Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in a persons mood, energy, and ability to function. Different from the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are severe. They can result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. But there is good news: bipolar disorder can be treated, and people with this illness can lead full and productive lives.

Bipolar definition
Bipolar, or manic-depressive disorder, is a mood disorder that causes radical emotional changes and mood swings, from manic highs to depressive lows. The majority of bipolar individuals experience alternating episodes of mania and depression.

Bipolar disorder typically develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. However, some people have their first symptoms during childhood, and some develop them late in life. It is often not recognized as an illness, and people may suffer for years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. Like diabetes or heart disease, bipolar disorder is along-term illness that must be carefully managed throughout a person s life.
Manic-depression distorts moods and thoughts, incites dreadful
behaviors, destroys the basis of rational thought, and too often erodes
the desire and will to live. It is an illness that is biological in its origins,
yet one that feels psychological in the experience of it; an illness that is
unique in conferring advantage and pleasure, yet one that brings in its
wake almost unendurable suffering and, not infrequently, suicide.
“I am fortunate that I have not died from my illness, fortunate in
having received the best medical care available, and fortunate in having
the friends, colleagues, and family that I do.”
(more detailed article will appear in the next post)
Kay Redfield Jamison, Ph.D., An Unquiet Mind, 1995, p. 6.
READ MORE - Bipolar Disorder

12 November 2009

Dementia and Alzheimer Disease

Alzheimer Disease'mental healthWhat is dementia?
First, dementia is not part of the normal aging process. Although forms of dementia are common among the senior population, it is not a natural aspect of aging. As we age, we usually have a decline in the efficiency of accessing our memory. This is very common. Consider our brain as “library of information”. When we are young, our library is only partially filled. As we go forward in life our “library” fills up. In our senior years, our librarian must search through many floors of files to be able to recall information. This process just takes time. Thus, our memory efficiency will decline. The second component of memory is accuracy. Memory accuracy is the key point of concern with dementia-related illness. Let’s consider the following example: I am driving to an appointment. I have not visited the address for awhile. I forget the name of the location’s street address. Sound familiar? This is efficiency memory loss. I do not despair because I carry my Palm Pilot everywhere. Now let’s suppose that one cannot find one’s way home from a frequently visited location. This situation represents an accuracy issue.
Dementia is a brain disorder that affects a person’s ability to carry out daily activities. Alzheimer’s disease
is the most common form of dementia. This disease involves the parts of the brain that control thought, language and memory. According to the National Institute of Aging, scientists still do not know what causes AD and there is no cure.
The Alzheimer’s Association (1996) reported: the risk of AD increases exponentially with age, doubling each decade after age 65. With life expectancies increasing significantly, the number of cases could double every 20 years. Twenty years ago, AD was not commonly mentioned in the press. This is because people were on average not living as long and death took place before the AD had a chance to develop.
10 Warning Signs of AD (Alzheimer’s Association):
  1. Memory loss that effects job skills or performance
  2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks
  3. Forgetting simple words or using inappropriate ones
  4. Getting lost
  5. Poor or decreased judgment
  6. Problems with abstract thinking, such as adding numbers
  7. Misplacing things or putting them in odd places
  8. Rapid changes in mood or behavior, often for no obvious reason
  9. Dramatic personality changes, either sudden or gradual
  10. Loss of initiative or disinterest in one’s usual pursuits
Caring for most persons with AD is physically and emotionally demanding. The rate of progression various from person to person – but progression of AD is usually slow and steady. The Alzheimer’s Association reports that from the time of onset, the lifetime of a person with AD can range form 3-20 years.

John B. Linvill, Jr., CSA
READ MORE - Dementia and Alzheimer Disease

10 November 2009

Symptoms of Schizophrenia

Symptoms of SchizophreniaInterspersed between the acute periods are various stages of convalescence during which patients frequently experience "negative symptoms". These are subtractions from the normal repertoire of feelings such as loss of interest, loss of energy, loss of warmth, loss of humor. In general, these do not respond to medical interventions but require more difficult psychological assistance. (Note: Since this note was written, clozapine, resperidone and other drugs have been introduced which can help with negative symptoms.)
Hallucinations are false perceptions, inaccuracies that affect our senses & cause us to hear, see, taste, touch or smell what others do not. In the acute phases of schizophrenia, patients are likely to insist they are hearing voices that no one else can hear. Sometimes they hear noises, clicks or non-word sounds. On occasion they are disturbed by seeing, smelling or feeling things that others do not.
Descriptions of these perceptions differ. Sometimes they are experienced as very forceful & apparently important thoughts. Frequently they seem to come from outside the self & are heard as conversations between other people, or commands, or compliments (or insults) addressed to the person. Sometimes the voices are reassuring, at other times menacing. Often the remarks heard are not addressed to the person but seem to be concerned with them in an unclear (but perhaps derogatory) way. Individuals who experience this describe it "like a tape playing in my head". The experience is so real that many schizophrenics are convinced someone has implanted a broadcasting device in their bodies. Or they come to believe in a supernatural explanation for the strange sensation. It is so real to the person that it cannot be dismissed as imagination. During periods of convalescence, patients are in control of their "voices"; they can often summon & dismiss them at will. Or they may learn to ignore them, or treat them as benign accompaniments of everyday living. But during acute periods, the hallucinations, usually the same ones over & over, take control & the patient feels victimized, powerless, at the mercy of a "foreign presence".
Patients themselves, & those close to them, must recognize hallucinations as symptoms of illness. Discussions about their objective truth or plausibility are not valuable. The experience is true & very vivid & has to be accepted as such. Attempts to "set the person straight" result in resistance, tension, & bad feelings. It is, however, helpful to clarify that others do not hear, see, smell, or feel what the patient is experiencing. This helps to identify it as a special experience of the patient whether he can or can not accept it as a symptom of the illness. At least everyone can agree that something is happening.
Hallucinations respond to a lessening of stress & an increase of antipsychotic medication. Keeping busy is important as it provides helpful distraction. Competing stimuli can sometimes "drown out" the voices. Encourage the patient to discuss when the hallucinations occur & what they say with his therapist. This can clarify the nature of the stress that tends to bring them on. Another useful strategy is to point out to the patient that he has some control over the hallucinations. Often, unconsciously, the patient has developed the habit of of listening for his voices, as if he were a passive recipient. Directing his mind to other interests, & helping him recognize he need not wait for incoming voices, can be surprisingly effective. These are techniques that the patient develops for himself over time & that require a fair amount of trial & error. Encouragement to persevere, not to give up, to discuss things with the therapist & reassurance that the family & close friends understand, are important. Constant talking about hallucinations can be exasperating but it is understandable that the patient is preoccupied with such extraordinary events. Chronic hallucinations must be accepted as part of everyday life & are not usually sufficient reason to excuse participation in activities or household chores.
Delusions are false beliefs or misinterpretations of events & their significance. For instance, a person may get accidentally bumped in the subway & may conclude that this is a Government plot to harass him. He may be awakened by noise from his neighbors apartment & may decide this is a deliberate attempt to interrupt his sleep. Everyone tends to personalize & misinterpret events, especially during times of stress or fatigue. What is characteristic of the schizophrenic however, especially during an acute period, is that the conviction is fixed & alternate explanations for the events experienced are not even considered. Usually attempts at reasoning or discussion about possible other meanings of the bumping or the noise in the night can only lead to the further conviction that the reasoner must be in on the plot, too. Arguing with a delusion only leads to further mistrust or anger. The beliefs are tenaciously held, against all reason, & they are characteristically not shared beliefs. They are held only by the person himself & by no one else.
Families & friends must first realize that delusions are a result of illness & not stubbornness or stupidity. Although fixed delusions can be irritating, emotional reactions should be avoided, as should taunts or threats. There is almost always something about the delusional belief that can be empathized with. For instance: "Getting bumped in subways is very annoying. It must make you feel as if no on cares, no one pays attention, that you're not important enough to get an apology or an 'excuse me'." (Presumably the belief that one is at the center of a government plot must derive, at least in part, from the fear that one is really very unimportant or worthless.) Or: "Getting awakened at night is terrible. It's so hard to get back to sleep later. It saps you of all your strength. If you feel your neighbor is not your friend, it is important to be strong & healthy." (This kind of reasoning may persuade a person to seek medical attention &/or an increase in his medicine in order to be strong & fend off annoyances by others. It works better than saying, "You're deluded, you had better see the psychiatrist."
Another approach is to help cut down the stimuli that lead to delusion formation. If crowded subways bring on experiences that lead to persecutory ideas, avoid them. An emergence of delusional ideas, whether persecutory or grandiose (thinking one is special) usually means there is too much activity or emotion, perhaps too many people around. Example: "I think I am Jesus." Unhelpful response: "That's totally irrational. You're crazy." Helpful Response: "I guess you feel really special & different today. Maybe it's all the excitement around here. Let's try a very low key routine for the next few days." When well on medication, if the person persists in talking about left over delusions, a helpful response would be, "That's how you see things. I have explained that I don't agree--we will have to agree to disagree." (This acknowledges his view yet stops pointless discussion.)
Talking Nonsense
This generally occurs when a person is in the active phase of his illness. It can re-emerge sometimes when medications are too low or stress is too high. What the patient says becomes incomprehensible to those around him either because sentences are unconnected to each other, or else because there seems to be no point to the stories told, or else because topics seem to switch with great frequency. Words may take on special meanings in schizophrenia either because they trigger private associations or because attention is paid to individual sounds rather than hole words. For instance "psychiatry" may sound like "sigh Kaya tree" & the topic may switch suddenly from a discussion of psychiatry to a discussion about mystical trees. Certain words may be avoided because they sound harsh or evil. Sometimes intonations are changed for similar reasons. Sometimes language is used as an incantation to ward off threats. Difficulty making sense to others is a symptom of the acute phase of the illness. It is almost impossible to communicate with patients when they are in this phase & it is very frustrating to family.
Try to communicate non-verbally. Sometimes communication through writing works, as thoughts tend to be more organized in writing. Do not force yourself to listen & understand; it will usually lead to headache & irritation. When talking to others, however, do not speak as if the patient were absent. Do not tease or mimic him. Most people use one side of their brain for language & the other side for art or music or movement. If the language side is disturbed, it might be a good idea to concentrate on the other side & encourage patients to draw, sing, or play an instrument, to exercise or dance. These are other ways of communicating which might prove to be effective.
Like other positive symptoms, thought disturbances respond to a reduction of stress & an increase in antipsychotic medication. Preoccupations These are fixed ideas, not necessarily false (like delusions) but overvalued. They take on extraordinary importance & take up an inordinate amount of thought time. One idea often returns & returns. Frequently it is a worry about doing the right thing or doing it well or in time. Characteristically, the worry grows & becomes unrealistic. A common sequence of events is for the worry to take up so much of a person's time that the "right thing" does not get done & its not being done is then attributed to the bad motives of others. Or it may be rationalized as God's wish. OR, frequently, the person may decide he's physically unable to carry out the task.
Example of unrealistic explanation: "I can't get up because I'm paralyzed." "I'm supposed to stay in bed today because it's the Lord's day." "If I get up, I'll get hurt." These kinds of explanations sound odd to others but to the schizophrenic they seem warranted. They do not understand why others see them merely as "excuses". To them they explain the facts better than any other explanation. Sometimes these preoccupations have a mystifying character to them. They seem to require puzzling over & decoding.
The schizophrenic spends much time in this kind of puzzling activity & that is why he thinks he has solved mysteries that others haven't, since they spent no time at it. When lost in thought, schizophrenics do not want to be distracted. They feel they have important work to do to try & come to the bottom of the puzzle & they do not appreciate offers of conversation or shared activities at those times. Preoccupations are usually seen in the active phase of the illness but may continue into the convalescent stage. They may take the form of daydreaming.
They must not be allowed to control the life of the patient or the life of those around him. Distraction is helpful as is a structure or daily routine that does not permit too much time for sitting & thinking. The necessities of life: sleep, good food, exercise, fresh air, cleanliness, health & social interactions must be maintained. Preoccupations must not be allowed to interfere. Increased meds may be required.
Violent or Aggressive Behavior.
This is not really a symptom of schizophrenia but when it does occur, it tends to occur in conjunction with hallucinations, delusions, preoccupations & jumbled thoughts. It, too, is triggered by stress & abates when antipsychotic medication is taken in appropriate amounts. Violent behavior is much more frequent in mental disorders that have nothing in common with schizophrenia. It is described here mainly because patients & families are so frightened of it & it leads to so much dread & worry. It is most common in young men. It can be precipitated by psychological or chemical stimulants.
Violence against others is often a result of misinterpretation of their intent & a resultant feeling of being cornered. A person in the acute stage of schizophrenia may exaggerate other's irritation & misread it as fury. He may see ridicule in what is meant as jest. He senses himself in danger when he is not & may strike out under those circumstances. Violence against the self is more common & is discussed under depression. In an attempt to prevent violence, try to avoid blame, ridicule, confrontation, teasing, or insult.
Allow your schizophrenic relative privacy & psychological distance. Should violence erupt, however, do not allow yourself to be intimidated by it. Take whatever measures are necessary for the safety of everyone concerned. This may require firmness or help from friends & neighbors. It may require summoning the police. Let the patient's therapist know if violence erupts at home. Ask the therapist for pointers on how to help the patient develop self-control. In addition, always maintain an up-to-date list of helpful community resources
(See "Important Phone Numbers" and "Preparing for an Emergency" enc. Ask for "Directory of Mental Health Services" for your borough from the AMI/FAMI office-ed) You may find through experience that the patient responds best to certain friends when he is frightened, distressed & potentially violent. Call upon these friends in times of crisis. The best way to prevent dangerous moments is to anticipate them & be prepared with an effective plan of action, should they occur.
Although violence is not common is schizophrenia, it may become a pattern with some schizophrenics. If so, discuss appropriate living arrangements & appropriate anticipatory & preventive measures with the therapist. Restlessness Restlessness, anxiety, tension & agitation are words describing similar states. None of these are positive symptoms of schizophrenia but, like aggressive behavior, they tend to occur in conjunction with the positive symptoms. They may result from fear & apprehension, as a response to the frightening aspects of hallucinations & delusions. If this is so, they require quiet, calm reassurance. Patients who are so anxious about what is happening to them need to have someone near to provide explanation & stability. The reduction of stress & the introduction of medicines will reduce anxiety as well.
Restlessness that begins after the patient is started on medication may be a secondary effect of the drugs. This kind of restlessness usually appears as a shaking of the legs & a need to pace the floor. Patients may be seen to move from one foot to the other or, when sitting, shake their legs up & down on the ball of the foot. At the dinner table, this constant motion may cause the whole table to shake.
Another commonly observed movement is tremor. This is a rhythmic contraction of muscles, usually seen in the extremities. The tremor is usually not particularly bothersome to the patient unless he plays the piano or uses the typewriter. The restlessness, however, is very uncomfortable. The patient has some control over it, can stop it for a few moments at a time but it comes back the instant he lets his attention waiver. It can be quite agonizing for some patients & needs to be reported to the doctor who can change the dose of antipsychotic drugs or add side-effect medicine which will make this restlessness disappear. The same procedures will reduce the tremor that is secondary to the medicine.
After many years of antipsychotic drug use, some patients develop other kinds of movement disorders, usually jerky movements around the mouth & extremities. These are not usually uncomfortable but can be unsightly. The prescribing doctor must be made aware of them & will adjust the dose of the drugs accordingly. These movements are more difficult to control. They may, in fact, become worse for a time after the drug dose is lowered. In most cases the movements gradually wane if the drugs can be discontinued for a prolonged period but that is sometimes risky because the patient may become acutely ill again.
Restlessness & tension, whether psychological or secondary to drugs, is made worse by stimulants (coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate, cold tablets). Sedative medication helps but should only be used with the advice of the prescribing doctor. Understanding helps. Do not criticize the patient for pacing. Instead, try accompanying him for a walk, encourage exercise, jogging & bicycle riding. If the pacing becomes unbearable in the house, suggest other areas, outside the home, where the patient might walk about without disturbing others.

READ MORE - Symptoms of Schizophrenia

06 November 2009

What is Schizophrenia?

What is Schizophrenia?Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental illness that affects approximately 1 out of every 100 people in the world’s population. The first symptoms of schizophrenia are typically seen in late adolescence or early adulthood, although they occasionally develop after the age of 30. A variety of different symptoms may occur when the illness first develops, including social isolation, unusual thinking or speech, having beliefs that seem strange and peculiar to others, seeing things that are not visible to others, and hearing voices when none are present. These symptoms often make it difficult for a person with schizophrenia to maintain interpersonal relationships, care for personal needs, work, and live independently.

How Long Does Schizophrenia Last?
For most people, schizophrenia is an episodic illness in which symptoms appear and subside at varying degrees of intensity over the course of one’s lifetime. The frequency and severity of schizophrenia symptoms vary from person to person; some patients have only one or a few episodes ofthe illness while others experience symptoms continuously.
How Do People Talk About Different Aspects of Schizophrenia?
Since each person’s experience with schizophrenia is different, certain terms help others understand the severity of one’s illness and the length of time one has been sick (the duration of one’s illness). Subchronic refers to the time during which a person first begins to show signs of the schizophrenia on a somewhat regular basis. This phase typically lasts from 6 months to no more 2 years in duration. Chronic schizophrenia refers to an illness that has been present for at least 2 years. Acute schizophrenia refers to the reemergence or intensification of psychotic symptoms in a person who previously had no symptoms or whose symptoms had not changed for a significant amount of time.
Other terms are used to describe the degree to which schizophrenia has developed across a person’s life. There are three basic phases to the illness. Overlapping symptoms in each of these phases make them hard to distinguish clearly, but they offer a general understanding of whether the illness is just developing or has been cycling through subchronic, chronic, and acute phases for some time. The first phase is called the prodromal or pre-illness phase. This phase involves a clear deterioration of functioning: social withdrawal, inappropriate affect (emotional responses to different situations), or increased impairment in personal grooming and hygiene. The second phase is called the active phase. In this phase, there have been continuous signs of disturbance for at least 6 months and occupational, social, academic, and personal functioning is considerably below the highest level of functioning before the illness began. During the active phase, people with schizophrenia experience difficulty telling the difference between reality and fantasy, frequently termed psychosis. Other symptoms that appear in the active phase (described in more detail below) are delusions, hallucinations, thought disturbances, or inappropriate affect. The third or residual phase follows the active phase and is indicated by a persistence of at least two of the symptoms experienced during the pre-illness phase. It is not uncommon for patients in the residual stage to experience periods when the prominent psychotic symptoms seen in the active phase reemerge for a brief period of time and then subside.
What Are the Main Symptoms of Schizophrenia?
Delusions are false beliefs that are not based in reality. These false beliefs commonly contain themes of persecution and grandeur. An example of a delusion is a belief that others are trying to harm or control the person to steal information vital to national security.
Hallucinations are false perceptions (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling) not experienced by others. Smelling the odor of rotting flesh and hearing voices in an empty room when there are no voices or odors are examples of hallucinations.
Thought disturbances are incidences in which the person is unable to concentrate, to “think straight or coherently,” or to slow down racing thoughts. An example of a thought disturbance is when a person speaks in randomly connected thoughts using words that do not exist.
Inappropriate affect refers to showing an emotion that is inconsistent with the person’s speech or thoughts. For example, the person may say that he or she fears being persecuted by the devil and then laugh. Sometimes a person with schizophrenia may exhibit a blunted or flat affect, which is a severe reduction in emotional expressiveness. Examples are the use of a non-changing tone of voice with few facial expressions.
No laboratory tests exist to determine a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Like other mental and emotional disorders, a diagnosis of schizophrenia is made solely on the basis of the person’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Through careful observation and interviewing, competently trained psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, social workers, and therapists can detect major disturbances in a person’s functioning, including the presence of psychotic symptoms. However, before a diagnosis of schizophrenia is made, medical factors such as a brain tumor or the effects of substance abuse are ruled out.
Myths About Schizophrenia
Despite common belief and usage of the term by the popular press, schizophrenia is not the same as the relatively rare disorder known as split personality (multiple personality: a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde switch in character). People also tend to equate schizophrenia with “insanity” or “madness.” These are not psychiatric terms but are popular descriptions for strange, irrational behavior. Most people suffering from schizophrenia are not violent, although an occasional individual will have violent outbursts. There is also concern among some families that they might be the cause of schizophrenia. No conclusive scientific evidence exists that a family’s actions cause schizophrenia. There is abundant evidence, however, that families may be able to help improve the outcome of the illness.
Causes of Schizophrenia
There are a number of factors that may cause schizophrenia. Some of these factors are genetic (inherited from the person’s biological parents), some are biological (stemming from abnormalities in a person’s body), and some are psychosocial (caused by the environment in which one was raised and in which one lives currently).
Structural abnormalities of the brain, biochemical deficiencies, or an imbalance of brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are considered potential biological causes of schizophrenia. The degree to which each factor causes schizophrenia, as opposed to being caused by schizophrenia, remains unclear. Studies show that if a close relative suffers from schizophrenia there is a 1 in 10 chance that another immediate family member may also experience the disorder, suggesting that there are genetic components of the disease as well.
Environmental stress also appears to be an important factor in the development of schizophrenia. Personal and family events such as an adolescent’s leaving home, a young adult’s entrance into a new career or peer group, a death in the family, or the breakup of a significant relationship are some of the stressors that may precede the onset of schizophrenia.
These stressors demand adaptive changes from the individual and challenge the individual’s current coping and competence. Growing evidence exists that an individual’s inability to cope with and handle certain stressors combines with structural, genetic, and biochemical vulnerabilities to result in schizophrenia.
Treatment Modalities
Although some individuals will always be subject to varied degrees of recurring symptoms of schizophrenia, studies show encouraging evidence that most people suffering from schizophrenia can be trained and supported to live productive, noninstitutionalized lives. There is no one best treatment for schizophrenia; a combination of treatment and support programs seems to provide the best way to help a person with schizophrenia maintain the highest degree of health and independence.
Antipsychotic medications have greatly improved the outlook for the person with schizophrenia. These drugs do not “cure” schizophrenia but typically reduce the intensity and frequency of the psychotic symptoms and usually allow the person to function more effectively and appropriately. Another beneficial aspect of drug therapy is that it may help to reduce such symptoms as poor concentration and social isolation. However, medications are only a necessary first step.
Psychiatric rehabilitation is a second important step that is often provided by day treatment centers and community support programs. Psychiatric rehabilitation enables the individual to acquire personal and instrumental skills as well as environmental supports which will enable the person to fulfill the demands of various living, learning, and working environments.
Family Support
Since many persons with schizophrenia live with their families, it is important for the family to have a clear understanding of the illness. Many psychiatric rehabilitation programs include the family in their work to reduce the family’s stress and help make the family setting a more supportive environment for the person with schizophrenia. These programs also help families learn about the different kinds of outpatient and family support services that are available in the community.
Self-help groups are one such resource. Although they are usually not led by professional therapists, these groups are often helpful because members—usually family members of persons with schizophrenia—provide continuing support for each other. These groups have also become effective in advocating for needed research and treatment programs.
READ MORE - What is Schizophrenia?


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